YAY! Opening day at the PetCo stadium. Would've been totally awesome if those darn Padres would've won that night. Oh well, the company totally made up for it. Christy (my bestest friend ever), Neal (my husband's friend) Jeff and me went last Friday night (well, 2 Friday night's ago now...meant to post this last Friday) and it was a lot of fun.

We tried to get downtown in time to be able to get into this really good parking garage however, we just missed it. One car ahead of us and they put up their "Lot Full" sign which we know from past experience, it probably wasn't. :( Argggggggg. So, we went around to another parking structure over across the way. It was a little bit of a walk but not too bad. Then, just as we get up towards the stadium and are about to cross, a freight train decides it wants to cross (there's RR tracks right by PetCo stadium) and then it stopped right on the tracks. OH MY GOODNESS!!!! It wouldn't have been so bad if Jeff didn't have to pee REALLY bad. So, thought quick on our feet and hired one of those bike guys that ride people places and had them ride us down to another crossing where the train wasn't and ride us back. Just as we got back to the original crossing where the train was, he had just moved and was clear. Oh well, nice ride for $20 :) I just kept saying to myself "It might have taken hours, you didn't know". Made me feel a bit better.

Got inside and smelled all the yummy food. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Found our seats and they were better than I thought they were going to be. We were in the front of the section and had glass in front of us so we could see the field really good. Enjoyed the pre game stuff, being opening day and all they had some neat things happening. Had a bunch of fireworks on the field that would go off and some high powered streamers that would shoot right out of the stands right in front of us. It was so funny cause Christy screamed out cause it scared her. Hehehehehehe...sorry Christy, had to mention it. :) (not much scares her so, this was monumental).

Right before the game we had the Marines on the field displaying a flag the filled the entire outfield. It was cool. We live in such an amazing country. It was a nice reminder of our freedom and as Christians, I really need to exercise that and tell others about our freedom in Christ. :)

Over all, we enjoyed good food (garlic fries....MMMMMMMMMMMM) and awesome friendship. Planning another game going on the 28th but this time it'll be with family and friends. Should be a lot of fun. :)
That was a fun evening with lots of food and good friends. So glad I got to experience it with you all. So fun. Glad you put the good picture of me up :)
that's a great picture of you and jeff. frame worthy.
Christy- I will still use the other picture someway, somehow. Just thought I would be nice this time around. You will pay for all the goofy pictures I get of you when I want a normal good one. :)
Jennifer - Thanks for the complement regarding the picture. I did actually print that out. I need to start taking more pictures with him. :)
Baseball games are a lot of fun. Even more fun when you are with friends. Glad you had a great time. Good pictures too.
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