So much has been happening in my life that I've been busy living it and not writing about it. I told myself "Self, now that you have Internet at home you can update every night" HA HA HA HA, so funny Franny. By the time I get home, I'm good for nothing but bed. Soooooo, long over do but here's some fun stuff that's been happening. :)
Every Thursday night we have "Mommy Night". It's just me and my boys. This is time that they can have my full attention and I can just love all over 'em! My husband has "Man Night" every Tuesday where it's just him and the boys. This has worked out sooo good and the boys have just loved it.

I've been wanting to plan something really fun. My best friend gave me the idea of Treasure Hunt. It was so much fun! I planted clues all over our apartment complex (the mail boxes, laundry room, under the stairs....etc. The Treasure was the most fun to create. I made up little "Mommy Certificates" for things like Mommy makes the beds, free drive to school, any snack of their choice, extra 30 minutes at night and 5 hugs (which my boys told me mom, you give us hugs anyways....I said good point but these are EVEN MORE!) :)

Here's a few snapshots of the evening. We had a blast. I was told by my boys that it was the best Mommy Night ever. I encourage all those with kids, take a special time out just for them during the week. It will nurture both of you and create great memories. Our kids will one day parents and our example will be the kind of parents they'll become. Let's create some great generations to follow.

I think Mommy and Daddy nights are great. Keep up the good work. The payoff will be great.
YAY mommy night! :D so glad you had fun with the treasure hunt!
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