Wow, 2 days in a row. What is to become of me! :) Just kidding. Thought I would share a little bit about my move. I have been living in Ramona, CA for over a year now. This was one of the hardest years of my life. God has taken me through some very rough waters and at moments, I thought I was going to drown. God always know right when to pick ya up though.
My husband and I sat down awhile back and after being very frustrated with our landlord, decided there must be a better way to financially get by. I was tired of renting and having strange landlords that don't know boundaries and would help themselves to my back yard when ever they liked. I wanted my own place, one that if I wanted to paint it bright red, I could. If I wanted to take out a wall, I could. If I wanted to put RR ties in my back yard instead of cinder blocks, I COULD! (Another Landlord issue) So, to be able to do this we would need to downsize.
We planned it all out and decided to move into an apartment just around the corner. We will be saving at least $500 a month by making this change. TOTALLY WORTH IT! It was very difficult to pack it all up and downsize a lot of stuff (had to get rid of a lot of clothes, toys, bookcases, all appliances, EVERYTHING just about) but with the help of my best friend Christy, we made it happen.
We moved and totally unpacked within a weekend. It was crazy and I'm still feeling the affects of it all (I catch myself daydreaming from time to time) but it's ok. Small and close, but ok. I want to just give glory to God for opening these doors and giving Jeff and I wisdom regarding this move. I'm excited to see where my family and I will be a few years from now when we're able to hold the keys to our very own place. I want to be a good steward and I feel that in this, God will bless our family. Please as you think of me keep us in prayer as this change was hard on some of us and we did leave a lot behind (my cute puppy Linus wouldn't have been happy in an apartment, he's been free to roam since he was a pup) and missing him has been great at times. Especially for Garret my youngest. Love you all and thanks for stopping by! :)

as someone who moved in with her parents last summer...i get it.
Baby. It will be a tough time. But I know we will make it. God has opened up too many doors for us not too. Love you so much.
Little steps get you there sometimes faster than leaps and less chance of mishaps along the way. Little steps are steady and direct. I am sure this step is in the right direction. Just keep your goal in mind. Love ya
Thank you all for the encouragement. I know it's going to be good an dI'm looking forward to looking back 2 years from now saying it was worth it all. :)
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