Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I'm so sorry it's been forever since I blogged. I will need to change the name of this blog to "A month in the life of the Franster". :) I just recently moved and life has been very crazy (I'll blog about that next month...hehehehhehehe)

I have been tagged by Jennifer to blog about the 10 things I want to learn how to do. So, here ya all go!

10. Learn a new language (I think to learn Arabic would be interesting)
9. Knit or crochet
8. Play some awesome riffs on an electric guitar (Christy you so ROCK!)
7. Fly a plane (so I can travel the world)
6. Scuba Dive
5. Build a house
4. Totally rebuild a VW engine ground up
3. Sew
2. Ride a unicycle
1. Surf - and actually be GOOD at it. (it's been awhile)


Anonymous said...

I rock, you're funny. I think i can play like 4 notes in a riff and it's not even a riff it's just 4 notes :)

the Franster said...

You so rock, don't down play what God gave you. Are you Eddie VanHalen, no. But still, you play more than I can. At least you know where all the notes are on the neck of the guitar... :)

Jennifer Coomer said...

I almost put learn to fly a plane on my list, too. I heard about flying lessons that were under $100. And I want to do it.

wilma said...

Glad to see you back. Love reading your blog. It keeps me posted on you life happenings. Keep it up. And by the way, you play very well on your guitar.