I got a puppy, I got a puppy, I got a puppy hey hey hey hey! :)
This last week my husband just happened next door to the animal shelter (he works for the City and the shelter is next door). He noticed this cute little furry thing that had just been dropped off. In fact, it was an owner relinquish and the owner was still there. Turns out they were moving to a place that doesn't allow dogs at all so they had to send this one to the pound. This little 8 month old girl needed a home. My husband put us on the list and we were number 1! YAY!

When we went to get her on Thursday, we found out there were like 12 people on the list. A few were there right at 4:30pm to see if we in fact did come and get her (if we didn't by 4:30pm then it goes to #2 and so on and so on). They were a little saddened when we were there to get her (HAHAHAHAHA! SUCKERS!!!...that's not very nice is it...sorry.) Anyways, we were so happy to get her yet sad cause we couldn't take her that day. She still had to go to the vet and get spayed.
So then Friday roles around and we got her at about 7pm that night. The vet said she did really good and one of the workers there said we got a jem and was so surprised to see a dog like this come from the pound. She was well mannered but didn't like to be tied up too much (they had to hold her down for the shots and all).

We named her Bailey at first. We called her that for the first few days but, it really didn't fit. Christy (my bestest friend) thought up Maddie cause she's all matted up. (we can't bath her til after 10 days cause of her surgery...she's a little smelly but not too bad.) So we officially named her Madison, Maddie for short. :)
The first and second night went well however, the third night was rather rough. She kept us up ALL night barking at nothing. Well, the power went out and it was super dark so maybe, she was just scared. It got better after we closed her up in our room with us and kept her from the living room and the front door (where she likes to bark the most). Last night was a lot better - slept all through the night. She's potty trained pretty good however, she likes one of my bears that I keep on my bed (it's a Pooky bear from Garfield - poor thing got a tongue bath the other day...it was all wet...).
She really is a little joy. Spastic when we first come home from anywhere but after she calms down, she's a sweetheart. I'll post more as life goes forward with Madison.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.She's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's a bundle of furr though - we're going to shave her down a bit after she heals cause I don't know if they can brush out all the matts in her furr. I won't make her bald though, that's just freaky on a dog...or any animal for that matter. Your Derby is becoming quite the handsome fellow. :)
Glad you changed her name. This one is cute. Really seems to fit her too. My best wishes for the dog.
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