The day started with Ethan's team playing the Rangers. Even though they lost, I have to say they played some great ball and every single one of them advanced in their own skills from when they first started back in February. Here's some highlights of Ethan's playing:
His first up to bat, first pitch the guy hit a double into left field!!!! It was an awesome wonderful solid hit and got an RBI from it as well. Great job Ethan!
Then in the last inning he finally got the nerve up to play 2nd base, and he did a great job. Although one of the throws was from Brandon who throws like 80 miles and hour. It tipped of Ethan's glove right into his left eye. Praise the Lord no major damage and he shook it off nicely and finished the game like a trooper.
In between their game and the closing ceremony, Josh Bard from the San Diego Padres came out to encourage the kids and so some autographs. It was really enjoyable and he had a great spirit about him (real laid back and polite). Here's some pic's of my guys with Josh Bard.
Then the ceremonies began. Garret's team got first place in their Pinto Division.
Here's Garret with his daddy. :)
Over all this was a great time and had a wonderful season. Looking forward to my boys contuning and improving their skills over the summer for next spring season. :)
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