Thursday, June 05, 2008

Dirt even looks rich to me....

Good title of a book? I was thinking of the saying "Poorer than dirt" and that title came to me. Not that our family is there yet, God has been merciful. Just with all my recent events lately (Jeff got laid off) I've been trying to think of some great money saving tips and more specifically, fun free things for us to do as a family during the summer. Sooooo, I'm going to start looking and blogging and writing some cost effective, free events families can do during this time of recession. :) Here's a few fun ideas I have for free events (or very low cost) for the summer:

1. Check with your local church - There's always something going on there for kids and families. Especially with summer upon us there's VBS, summer camps (sometimes the church sponsors kids to go free).
2. Right in your own backyard - Ok, you're already paying for that chunk of land you live on (and if you're in California you're REALLY paying for that chunk). Use it to it's fullest. Can't afford gas right now so put the car keys away and set up camp in your back yard. Good weather permitting you can just sleep under the stars, pull out the BBQ and make some smores :)
3. Family nights - This is a great way to either ramp up what you got going or start it up. Grab some old favorites and even some new ones and pop some pop corn. Don't have any board games? Can afford any new ones?? This is where it gets fun. Get together with some friends or neighbors and work on the board game swap. Every week trade what you have with theirs and try out some different types of games without having to spend a dime. It's a great way to get to know your neighbors better as they may have to teach you how to play the new game. :)

4. Go for a walk. Yeah sounds simple but when was the last time you did it? Might see some things have changed around you, even for the better. It's 100% free and good for your health as well.

5. EAT AT HOME!! I can't begin to tell you how much money I've saved since doing this and how much more healthier my family is because of it. We still go out every once in a while and that's ok, but now it's to better restaurants with healthier choices. It's great to share a meal as well - good on the pocket book and the belly. America's portions are out of control and one meal out is really enough for two. :)

6. Go to the park, beach, mall, etc. Yeah, you're thinking "Hey, that costs money" - not really. Most communities have a park within a few miles from where you live. It won't even take you one gallon of gas to get there an back and guess what,'s FREE to play there. Some of us are blessed to live near the beach and again, it's FREE. "What about parking??" Ok, STOP COMPLAINING! :) Park where it's free and walk. Again, great for the pocket book and your belly (and other parts of the body). :)Window shopping at the mall is always fun and I found it safest to do when I was lowest on money. Easy to say no when you got nothing anyways. Malls are also air conditioned so you can save some money by enjoying their air, not yours that you pay for at home.

7. Schools - A lot of schools have summer programs that include crafting, hobbies, sports, etc. Some even offer low cost or free lunches. Check with your local district and see what's on schedule for the summer.
8. Community - Oh yeah, right where you live there's SOMETHING going on. for example, where I live there's always some kind of sport to watch (Pony baseball, soccer, etc.) and they're free to attend. You may not be watching Adrian Gonzales hit his next home run, but you could be seeing the next Padre play right in front of you. A lot of communities also have concerts in the park, dog shows, arts and crafts, car shows, ALL KINDS of things to keep revenue coming in for the city. The events themselves are free (or very very cheap). Just keep in mind not to get to close to the vender's, they're not free. :)

9. Story time - Even though the imagination is priceless, it won't actually cost you money out of your budget. Sit around and start a story, then pass it to the next person, then after a few thoughts, they pass it along, and so on and so on until you get this hilarious monstrous story that you and your family will be laughing about for years to come. Creating memories are always the best things money can't buy.
10. Giving - yeah yeah yeah, you're thinking I'm talking money again. Silly people. I'm talking about giving of time. See how you can help volunteer at a local school, organization or your community, It's all local so you may even be able to walk there (and NOT use the gas up) and your time will benefit so many lives. Making a difference in this life is also a wonderful thing that costs you nothing, but gives SO MUCH. It's such a blessing to see your children giving as well and it'll help get them to understand the "bigger picture" in this life.

Ok well there's just a few that were rattling around in my noggin. I think I'll go home tonight and see which one my guys want to start off with. :) If any of you have some great ideas, please send them my way and share them with others as well. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you in print again. Boy some of those pictures date back a bit. Keep up the good words. Mom