Monday, March 26, 2007

Maddie Moo and her Hoodie Too!!!!

Yes, I have become one of those silly pet owners that dress up their dogs. But, I thought this was kinda mild and I don't plan on getting her into any other silly costumes and such. It's a hoodie, and it's cute.

What's funny is she looks like Robin Williams wearing a short sleeved tight hoodie - the hair just goes POOF as it comes out of the sleeve. She's sooooo cute though, I think she'll get away with the clothing thing ok, no other dog should give her a hard time. And anyways, the hoodie saved her life last night as Riley (my best friends cute puppy) thought Maddie was a mid night snack and grabbed her violently. All his mouth was able to get was hoodie and fur. It's all good though Riley, you're still a cute puppy in my book. I'll just have to disrtact you with treats when you come to my house. :)


Jennifer Coomer said...

She's so cute!!!!

Riley! No Riley!

wilma said...

Cute is as cute does.