Hello again! Wow, I'm actually remembering to post blogs. Crazy! Anyways, I promised a few days ago that I would put up some before and after of the boys room. I had so much fun redoing it. Jeff and I went and got them a new dresser and TV unit (well, new to them but they were actually used= in amazing condition though). We put up all the furniture in their room Thursday night. Then Saturday morning we went shopping for storage containment units and went to work. Christy and I worked from 12 noon til 10pm that night organizing, cleaning and reshaping this room. I hope when you see the pictures you will begin to feel the need for cleaning. We had so much fun but I do say, I think my children own more than their share of legos but hey, it's their passion (aloing with a millon Star Wars toys...they have some cool ones of those too). Thank you so much my friend for all the work you put in that day with me. Thank you Jeff for carring the dresser down stiars (it was upstairs where we bought it from - again Jeff, I wasn't even thinking about that...I was focused on the deal :) ) and then back up the stairs at our house.
When we got home late that night, they were so exctied to see their room. It was a total surprise for them and they totally didn't know it was coming. Garret was mostly exctied about finally being able to reach the dresser and get his own clothes out (it's been helpful for me as well. It's allowed him to be more independant now). Ethan was exctied that he can finally build his lego creations and leave them out for all to see (the shelves really made a difference in their room). I just love my little guys so much, I wanted to give them a room they could love and want to play in but yet, no get lost in their own mess. It has given them the freedom to just be kids and not have a huge pile of toys at the end of the day.
The room has been so successful that ever since they cam home, it's stayed clean. It's a new record let me tell ya. If you want any tips on organizing or anything, just let me know. I live for this kind of stuff! :)
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