Wow, went WAY too long between blogs. Went to Ecuador and got out of my groove. Just wanted to take a moment today and congratulate my bestest friend in the whole wide world on getting a puppy!!! Well, he's 3 years old but, a puppy to her. He's so cute. His name is Duke. He's a German Shepard mix and he's the cutest thing. We went and looked at him on Saturday and got to know him a bit. He's going to be just perfect for her. We were originals looking for a small dog but Duke is more of a medium dog but he just "fits". He's very obedient and very trainable. He plays dead when you go "Bang Bang" and he gives high fives. I'm so excited cause it's kinda like I'm getting a new nephew and I hope he comes over often to play. Congrats Christy on Duke...or whatever you change his name to...if you decide to. :)
He looks like a Ralph to me.
i'm just kidding.
Hmmm, Ralph... I'll add that to the list of names. I'm creating one for Christy cause honestly, Duke doesn't fit him.
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