Well, it's almost Thanksgiving. This is really my favorite holiday. Kinda feel bad for it cause it gets skipped over so many times. The retail world jumps from Halloween straight to Christmas without giving our little Turkey friend a second thought. But really, this is an amazing time to reflect all that we are thankful for. So in this blog, I would like to share my thankfulness.
I'm thankful so much for my beautiful children - Ethan and Garret. Althought this is hard to write at the moment cause they've stomped on my very last nerve today however, maybe this is the best time to get my heart and mind back into perspective. I love them so much. Ethan has a heart of gold and he prays every night for the people in South Africa for their hearts to be open to the gospel of Christ when he comes to share it with them. Garret's laugh will make anyone's heart joyful. His blue eyes melt you and his hugs warm you all up. I'm thankful that God has blessed me with these wonderful boys.
I'm very thankful for my best friend Christy Edge. She means so much to me. I can't ever imagine picking anyone better to be that person to me in my life. Not that she's always nice and let's me have my ay but because she's open and honest enough to point out those dark places in my heart that God's needs to refine. And she doesn't do it in an arrogant way, but a loving way that leads me closer to Jesus. She doesn't come up under me, but stands beside me in all situations, still allowing the Lord to lead into he way He want's me to go. She's helped me see who God created me to be and to learn to love that person inside. She's cried with me, laughed with me and even hurt with me. Thank you Lord for sending me Christy to share your light and to encourage me in this life.
And I would also like to say I'm thankful for Jeff, my husband. Although over the past year I would say it's been difficult but, I'm thankful. He's really changed over the last year. He's a wonderful father to my boys. They have "Man Night" every Tuesday and just to see how they look forward to that encourages me. He's become a great provider for this family. Just recently got a great city job and it's really filled that financial gaps. And he's learned to listen to me more and to help where he can. I know he's starting to see the Franny God created and is trying to get to know and love her the way God intends.
I'm also thankful for my mom and dad. They have helped me so much in life. I can't even list all the things they've done for me, it would be a huge list. However, I do want to mention one thing - they have always believed in me. No matter what new venture I was on, they stood with me believing I could do anything. They have bought me so many instruments and such that have really helped me get musically where I am today. Thank you so much for believing in me mom and dad.
Most of all I have to thank Jesus for the sacrifice He made for me. That even when I was yet a sinner, he died for me. His love has no comparison and no boundaries. I am thankful for His unending grace and mercy that I seem to need on a daily basis yet, it never runs out. God, you truly amaze me in all that You are. That you created the universe and named every start yet, formed me in my mother's womb and gave me a purpose and a plan, for good and not evil. Thank you Lord for giving me hope in this life. You are truly amazing.