WOW! Just got back from Ecuador. What an amazing trip. God truly showed His power in so many different ways. I would like to post a few stories here of God's amazing power and His faithfulness to divine appointments.
We did our prayer walk over the community on Sunday. As we were in the streets praying, a few people came out to ask what we were doing. In the crowd was a woman who's house I had just prayed over. We shared the gospel with each one of them but still, this lady just stuck out to me and I felt the Lord leading me to pray with her more. After the crowd dispersed, I asked if I could speak with her for a bit. Turns out she was rededicating her life at that moment. At one time she was always evangelizing to all her friends about the true love of Christ. She had gotten busy as she got older and life had overtaken her. I met with her for the several days after and equipped her again to evangelize the community there in Coca. By the time I left she and her husband made contact with the pastor there and had committed to being a strong foundation for the church.
Another amazing story is about a young man named Edgar. On our second day there in Coca, we had actually begun going door to door with our translators and nationals (those that actually lived there and attended the church in Coca). I had prayed with a young man at one of the homes. I went back the next day to disciple him but he wasn't where I could locate him. On our trip up the river in canoes (yes, CANOES) he was one of the young men helping us and translating from Spanish to the native language there. Turns out that he went the next day to a friends house that was being discipled by another team mate. This young man was so on fire for God he was soaking up all he could! He had already committed to the pastor and the church to do whatever he could to reach his community in Coca for Christ. It was then I realized I'm not the main ingredient, God is and when He makes an appointment, its always met no matter who is or isn't involved.
Ok, one more. :)
Satan tried so many ways to stop what God was wanting to do there in Ecuador. One of the many schemes he tried to pull was during one of our evening rallys where we were showing Narnia is Spanish. Our goal was to take the relation of Aslan to Christ and share the gospel in that fashion. About half way thru the Police showed up and wanted to arrest us all. Our leaders were able to talk them into just taking them down to the station along with all our passports for questioning. The rest of us that remained began to pray that the Lord's will be accomplished. Shortly after we prayed, a hot wind blew from no where and took the sheet/screen we were using and blew it all around. We grabbed it quicdidn'tand didn't skip a beat. Then, as the movie drew to a close, our leadeweren'till weren't back to bring it all together to explain the correlation between the movie and the sacrifice God made for us thru His son. No one there really knew how to bring it all together. Thank the Lord that my dad had read these books to me all my life. The Lord equipped me on the words to say and by God's grace 3/4 of the crowd (about 75 people) excepted Jesus! Just shortly after, all our leaders returned. God truly is AMAZING!
I know this is a long blog however, there's just so much God did while I was there I want to share it with everyone, to know God's greatness and I pray that these stories encourage you, uplift YOUR faith and trust in our Almighty God.
Look for ways today to allow God to work mightly in or through you. When all hope looks lost, know that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Sometimes He allows us to be in situations to stretch our faith and to grow in Him. He will never let you go anywhere, do anything without His ultimate hand knows He know's your coming and goings and will always have His hand on you. Trust Him this day, and those there after. :)