Sunday, June 15, 2008

My big guy graduated!! He's officially a Jr HighER!!! YAY!!!!!!

I can't say enough how proud I am of Ethan. He worked really hard this year and it's paid off. I know he struggled a lot but he pulled through. We're really looking forward to Jr. High. Here's a few snap shots of the big guy on his bug day. :)

Here's a good family shot - my mom and dad, Jeff, Garret, Ethan and me. :)

Me and him afterwards.

Him seeing his grad present - a nice BMX bike and helmet.

Him on his awesomely cool bike

Just him. He's the coolest let me tell ya. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We as grandparents are very proud of Ethan. Proud of Garret also. They are both growing up fast, too fast. Love them both very much. Keep up the good work.