Hello to you all! Sorry I've been slacking on writing here. I always wonder who's reading this anyways...maybe I'm just babbling on about nothing to myself...who knows.
Anyhow, I wanted to just share a bit about my last weekend. Totally meant to put this up yesterday. I got a Christmas present early. Don't you love it when you get those! I was just minding my own business this last Sunday, waiting for my best friend Christy to come over and help me wrap presents (I had to hurry and wrap hers up before she got there - wouldn't be too good if I had her help me wrap that one huh). I had boxes, paper, gifts, EVERYTHING laid out all over my bed. Looked like Christmas threw up all over. Then, there's a knock at my bedroom door. I asked who is it (thinking it's my kids and I don't want them to see the presents all over) my friends voice came through "It's me". I got excited cause I really needed help with all the Christmas that threw up all over the bed. So I threw open the bedroom door to see my Christy, standing there all dressed up nice with pretty earrings in her ears and her hair up and pretty and she smelled good too (not that you normally don't my friend). I was surprised by her wrapping attire and asked "Umm, you're dressed really nice to help me wrap". That's when with a big smile she handed me a card and yelled "Merry Christmas!" I opened the card and it told me to get ready NOW cause at 5:30pm (only a few hours away) my whole family was being taken to see the Nutcracker Suite and the San Diego Civic auditorium. YAY!!!!! I jumped for joy and quickly got my dirty little boys all cleaned up and handsome and threw some stuff on my self (got to wear my pearls, it was fun!)
This was such an awesome present on so many levels. I was able to see the Nutcracker (that I haven't seen since Jr High and it's just my most favorite too!) with my family. I had been wanting my boys to see it just forever and give them a great experience. They so enjoyed it which made me enjoy it even more.
Thank you again my dear friend Christy. This early gift was a total surprise and very thoughtfully planned out. You gave from your heart and it will be a memory that I will carry forever, and so will my family. :)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was fun taking Jeff and the boys too. I'm glad they had fun even if we were making fun of some of the people in the ballet. :D Good times.
Hi there. Glad you had such a wonderful time at the performance. You have a great friend in Christy.
Love ya Mom
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