Christy, never, NEVER do this to Riley!!!!!! (previously known as Duke) Don't make him go through this kind of agony ever again...poor puppy. What kind of people do this kind of horid thing to their beloved four legged friends anyways! (If you are one of them, I'm sorry but really, does it look like he's enjoying this?) Don't get me wrong though, there are some dogs that have little hair and live in cold climates and need some assistance but this, this is pure crulity! He didn't enjoy this at all. Bad owners...bad!
I'm so excited though. Today is the day to go pick him up from his previous family. We got a new name for him (as shown above). RILEY! Duke didn't really fit ya know. Actually, his full name will be Riley Scout Edge. I liked Scout and that almost was his name however, the consensus from most was Riley. I'm grateful that Christy still honored me by using Scout as a middle name.
I went out last night and bought my new "nephew" a few things. I got him a Padres Dog collar and a cool squeaky toy that's shaped like a stick (cause his previous family mentioned he likes sticks, not really balls). We are about to pick him up in about 3 hours.
I am soooo excited to get him. For a lot of different reasons. You see, my best friend Christy is totally amazing. Any of you that has had her for a friend knows she's one in a million. I have heard so many storied about her last dog Ashton and how much she loved her and how it was such an amazing dog to Christy. I wanted so bad for her to have that again. I feel she deserves the best and a loyal companion to be by her side always, to have someone to tell all her stuff to at 3am if she wanted to (although Christy, I am still available then if you want human feed back) :)
Congrats my best friend, I pray that he's everything you want and that he become your faithful companion. :)
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