Ok, latest adventure. I have been desiring to go hiking for the past year now. I live in a very beautiful place that has a ton of hiking trails right in my back yard (figuratively speaking of course cause I currently live in an apartment...wish I had a back yard). A few weeks ago, I had Good Friday off and so did my boys. My son, my best friend Christy and I decided today is the day to check out Iron Mountain. We had no idea what we would find.
It was beautiful. On Friday we went about 1/2 the way (I had some little legs behind me). Last minute my oldest son's tummy wasn't feeling good so he stayed home but my youngest went. I was so proud of him. He didn't complain really. Only at the very end and we were all ready for the car that day - it was our first hike and it had gotten a little bit warm.
So my husband, my best friend and I had off the following Monday. This was the day to make it to the top. We set out at about 7am (cause we didn't want to get caught in the heat) This was my husband's first hike ever and mine and my best friends as far as going all the way to the top. Riley Christy's dog joined us as well - he has this terrible habit of eating all the cats food and thus is a little thick in the middle. He needed this as much as the rest of us. :)
Here Are some photos of us almost to the top (2 mile mark). Getting excited cause I know the view is going to be wonderful!!!
I have to say I'm hooked on hiking. Ready for the next trail. There's so much of God's creation to marvel at that sitting on the sofa just won't do anymore.
Very nice. It was a blast and I would gladly do it again. Do you suppose Domino's Pizza would deliver to the top? Hmmm.
Oh. Question. What is Food Friday? Just askin'.
Love you boo.
Teeheee!!! Tanks about he "Food Friday" thing. I changed it now. MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmm, speaking of food i'm real hungry right now....
Franny!! I read your postings from time to time... I saw the updated photo at myspace and thought I would stop by to see whats up!!
I wish you guys well on the new ministry...!!
Yes Yes I read all your comments and love to see your accomplishments. Go girl! You are awesome. Can you guess who this is.
Ummm, I have no idea who this is...helps if you leave your name. :)
Still waiting for more input. Love reading about your life and what is happening around you. Those pics are nice too.
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