This is a hilarious video. Anyone who's ever had kids of their own, or even been a kid themselves will love this!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh my precious little boy...
The other day, I told my youngest son at dinner that if he didn't eat it, he would have it for breakfast. Well at that time he was ok with it...til morning came and he saw it waiting for him on the table. Now mind you, my son doesn't like to eat anything else other than Mac n Cheese and chicken tenders. I'm trying to broaden my little guys pallet thus, having to eat whatever we eat (usually never anything weird ya know).
Well he was taking 15 minutes per bite. Take that times 9, I was going to be late for work and them for school (I have 2 boys, 7 and 10). I put this before him "If you don't finish this right now, you will #1, get a spanking (which for him he's only had like 2 his whole life), #2 get beary taken away (his favorite little bear he sleeps with) and #3, you'll have this for dinner AGAIN tonight. You would think all those things would get him to eat faster....OH NO, not this stubborn little one. Almost like it was an old western, with him and I on opposite ends, waiting to draw (you could hear the old west music in the background and everything). Came down to the time, and he wasn't finished. I don't even think he picked up the pace at all. So, as hard as it was, I had to follow through with all the threats I had made earlier (and when I made them, I really didn't think I was going to follow through with them ya know). I took him into my room, pleading with him, explaining that if he would've just ate his food last night at dinner, and even again right now, none of this would have to take place...then I spanked him. I hate doing that, especially when your son looks back up at you, tears in his eyes gasping for air saying he felt like he just got shot with a shot gun. I felt awful. I love him so much, and then Satan was right there "What kind of mother are you really!! You're expectations are too high, you're a horrible mom and you're going to push your children away from you". Ohhh, he sure knows what buttons to push.
Got to school, and just before I said good bye to my boys, I told Garret that I loved him very very much. He told me "I love you too mom" with the utmost sincerity. Felt better, knowing that the devil was a liar (of course) and I'm not pushing my boys farther away, but in fact I'm helping them to grow up and understand cause and effect, consequences. Just like our Father God doesn't want to discipline us but because of our actions, it's needed. But He's always right there, loving us all the more never changing how He feels about us. Even though I had to discipline my little guy, I loved him all the more and it never changed. Through all this, the devil wanted to tear me down and not hold Garret to the consequences, and if I would've given in it would've made it harder for both of us to understand God's love in all of this. I wouldn't have seen it from God's perspective for me (and why in hard times I question God's love for me) and Garret wouldn't have learned that his actions have results, good and bad.
So be encouraged today, know the Devil is a liar and God is always faithful to finish this work in us.
P.S - Garret did finally eat all the chicken that night and joined us for pizza after. :)
Monday, September 10, 2007

Not too far around the corner....
Many but not all of you know that I'm planning a mission trip to Egypt in November (the 6th through 13th) I'm getting very excited about it yet, nervous at the same time. Here's some interesting information about Egypt and their culture:
As you may know Egypt is a culture in which family and religion are very important. Families are patriarchal: men are the head of the household and the sons respect and follow their fathers. The women follow the men, so when they marry they move into their husband’s home. Often times a family will consist of a mother, father, married sons and their families, and any unmarried children.
Egypt's constitution grants freedom of religion, and there are many religions being practiced in Egypt today. Islam is the main religion, about 90% of Egyptians are Muslim. The Christians are part of the Coptic Church, and make up about 8% of the population. In the recent past, there have been some religious riots in the areas such as Cairo, leaving both Muslims and Christians pitted against each other. Completing the religious minority in Egypt are Protestants and Jews, together claiming about 2% of the population
My friend and I have been asked to talk to the youth there. We aren't doing "evangelism", but instead we are equipping the nationals there with the basic foundational truths so they can reach their neighbors (this includes the neighboring Muslim countries like Iraq) with the love and truth of Christ.
Even though I was a youth pastor and worked with young people for many years, this is like apples vs. oranges. Their culture, fears, concerns, everything is very different than the youth here in America. I have been studying and researching to find out how to best prepare these young people to reach their peers for Christ. What an amazing opportunity we have to reach this younger generation! However, just as they already have peer pressure, imagine being the only Christian in a Muslim world. Through much prayer we felt that a strong foundation is needed. We will be teaching them on their identity in Christ and the character of God.
I need your prayers. Please pray much for our November trip. Pray that the ground will be ready to receive what we have to say and that these young people will be able to lay down the lie of the devil that they’ve believed for so long and take up our new, bought and paid for identity in Christ. Pray that they will be empowered by the Holy Spirit to win over their friends and families with the truth and love of Christ.
If you would like more information about this trip, please let me know. I am still looking for prayer supporters as well as Financial supporters - you may not be able to physically go with us but through your support, you are just as much a part of the harvest there. If you would like to give financially (still need $1000 to go), you can give online at and click on donate. My trip code is EG07D. Or you can send in a check to 16787 Bernardo Center Dr #7 San Diego, CA 92128 attn: Franny Lowry(All donations are tax deducible)
Thank you so much and if you can, please pass this blog and information on to as many as possible. Much prayer and support is needed for Egypt. THANKS!!!
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